September 27, 2007
I shot this for my lifestyles project last week, I thought that it was such a cute picture that I would share it with everyone. I shot it on my canon 1D at shutter speed 1/60 at f-11. I shot this at my parents house with my dog Molly. I thought it would be cute if she was using the computer for a couple of shots rather than the models. Tell me what you think!
I shot this for class. We had an assignment to shoot fashion shots. I used my canon 1D at ISO 100 and shutter speed 1/160 at f8 for both of these pictures.I used my Fhototech mono lights with a soft box at a 45 degree angle on my model. My model was very nice to pose for me when he really hates it!
Labels: beard, green shirt, knee up, male model, outside
September 20, 2007
Rice Krispies
We had to shoot a tear sheet for my photographic illustration class and ours (Christy Bullins , and Carolyn DeBerry and I) was an ad that looked almost the same as this photo. We shot it on a mamya 6x45 with a Leaf back. Our exposure was 1/20 of a sec at F 10. The second photo is of our setup. Oh and if you make rice Krispie treats get your insturctions from the box not the internet.
Labels: blue background, food, rice krispie, tray
This is a picture of the head of a butterfly. I shot this for my photographic illustration class. I shot it using a mamya 6x45 with a Leaf back (love the schools equipment!) I shot at a 60 of a second at F 7.1 . I shot on a white piece of plexi-glass and a soft box and a broncolor with a med sized grid. Oh, and for all you animal lovers I did not kill the butterfly, I found him.
Labels: butterfly, science, white background, yellow
September 14, 2007
September 12, 2007
I shot this for an assignment for my photographic illustration class. I shot the photo that makes up the left side on my Canon 1D Mark2 with my 100-300mm lens at 1/60s at f-10 at ISO 100, the photo that makes up the right side was shot on the same camera and lens and settings other than it was shot at f-5.6. I took the two individual photos and merged them together in Photoshop. The second photo is a shot of my set up for the first photo it was the same for the second, but shot in studio. I had a lot of fun with this assignment and hope you like my picture.
Labels: merging, old man, photoshop, setup, young girl
Breakfast agian...
I decided that I didn't like my first breakfast (well my grade didn't, and me) so I shot it over again. I hope that you like this one because I feel that it is much better than the other. I shot it on my Canon 1D Mark 2 with a 100-300mm lens, my shutter speed was at 1/60 and my f-stop was at f-10, on ISO 100. The second photo is of my setup.
September 11, 2007
Scavenger Hunt
So I decided to go on a scavenger hunt to find some different photographers and tips. Here are the results of the hunt.
Photographers-(I was looking for fashion and found a few but I liked the looks of these more and yes I know there are several wedding photographers in the the mix but there just as hard working without all the glamor of the fashion photographers.)
I like his fashion and studio work he seems like he wants to not label himself because he has his hand in everything, but mainly sports.
I like the lighting that he uses in his portrait I wish I knew how he does it, but I am not very fond of his group shots. He also has this site which I enjoyed.
I liked there style, some of it is a bit weird for my taste but I am just one person. I really liked there blog that is why I posted that link rather than the home page, it just really gives you a feel for the photographers.
I liked his blog also, he has a link to his web site on the blog page but I liked how he not only blog about what he was photographing but about what was inspiring him that day or week.
Tip sites- Some of these are more for the amateur but I found it really hard to find photographers sharing lighting tips.
I found this site that tells you how to build a light tent but I would NOT build the one out of bathroom tissues. It gave several ways of building it and some I liked like the using a large tube .
This is another site that tells you a how to for building a light tent or box, I liked this one a little more and I might use it one day if I forget to get a light box from school.
This is how to light glass, I must admit I put this one up for my mom she wants to light glass. I looked at it because glass is one of the hardest things to light but I found this to simplify it, the site talks like our teachers talk about glass and does make it easier. I liked the site for the many options it gave you.
This site reminded me of my first semester at RCC and I thought that it simplified lighting even more for me it also brushed me up on things that I had placed in the back of my head and needed to be refreshed on.
Loved this site!!!!!!! This is the best thing I came across the entire time I was scavenging. Although I didn't find it alone my teacher told the class about it, but I found this one part extremely interesting. I never knew that you could make taking a picture of a piece of paper into art.
I hope you enjoyed the sites but I will encourage you to do your own . And remember we need to share information with each other!!!! It could only make us better and the need for each other stronger NOT take clients away.
Labels: photographers, thoughts, tips
September 7, 2007
Pie the second time around
This is my second attempt at this pie shot. It was for a self promo shot in my photographic illustration class. I shot on my Canon 1D Mark2 with a 100-300mm macro telephoto lens at ISO 100 with my shutter speed at 1/15 and my f-stop at 5.6, I was zoomed in all the way to 300. I tried the pie a second time just because I wasn't happy with it the first time around, but I am really happy that I did.The second photo is of how I set up. I shot at home so I blurred out some personal items on the counter, I also have some flare from the soft-box both in the second photo.
September 6, 2007